Foreclosed Colorado Residents may be Entitled to Refunds

14 years ago

Refunds For Foreclosed Homeowners For Colorado residents who have faced a foreclosure of their home or property, there may be a bit…

Colorado Foreclosure Process – Deficiency Judgement

14 years ago

Foreclosure Deficiency Judgements And YouGenerally, homeowners who lose their home to foreclosure in Colorado are responsible for any deficiencies that result…

HAFA Program, Foreclosure Alternatives, Short Sale Rules

14 years ago

Using The HAFA Program To Develop Home Foreclosure AlternativesOn April 5, 2010, the Homeowners Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (“HAFA”) went…

Commercial Real Estate Leases

16 years ago

Be Wary Of Hidden Unfavorable Tenant Language In Contracts In my role as a Denver real estate attorney, I review…