
Few things are more frightening than the prospect of losing your home. If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments, and you are facing foreclosure, you may not know what to do next. The most common mistake made by people in this situation is giving up too quickly. There are steps you can take, […]

Whether you are starting a large corporation or a small home-based business, one of the first things you should do is hire an attorney. Having a good business lawyer on your side will help you get started, and it will also help you if you run into problems down the road. With more than 23 […]

 Loan Modifications or Short Sales May Help Few situations in life are more stressful than facing foreclosure on your home. For many people who have found themselves in this difficult situation, loan modifications and short sales can prove to be helpful options. These options are great for many people who are trying to avoid foreclosure […]

Landlord & Tenant Disputes There are many instances in which landlord & tenant disputes are minor and can be resolved without the need for legal representation. Some situations, however, can have a major negative impact on the tenant’s life, sometimes going as far as inhibiting your ability to stay in the home of which you […]

 Deciding To File For Bankruptcy If you are over your head in debt and struggling to make your car, mortgage or credit card payments, you may be considering bankruptcy as an option for getting debt relief and obtaining a fresh financial start. Deciding whether or not to file for bankruptcy is a difficult and emotional […]

 Choosing A Real Estate Attorney When you are in the market for a new home or commercial property, or are facing difficult situations like foreclosure or eviction, you need an experienced real estate attorney on your side. The right real estate attorney is someone with a sharp eye who will help protect your rights. Your […]

Top 10 Questions to Ask Before You Buy Commercial Real Estate If you are looking at acquiring a piece of commercial real estate, you need to make sure that you’re making a wise investment. Depending on the type of property you plan to buy, the location, the age of the property, and what your intended […]

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Creditor’s Meeting If you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition, you will be required to attend a mandatory Meeting of the Creditors pursuant to Rule 341 of the US Bankruptcy Code.  Many of my clients experience anxiety or nervousness before attending the meeting, but there really is no need for concern. The […]

Discharging Debts in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy For most people, the main goal of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is to discharge (wipe out) their debts. Although some debts are “nondischargeable,” most people filing for Chapter 7 will be able to discharge most or all of their debts. While credit card debt is one of […]

Colorado Real Estate Attorney: Tenancy Questions When two or more people take title to real property in Colorado, they must decide how title will be held. Generally, there are two ways to accomplish this – the parties can take title as tenants in common or as joint tenants. It is very important to understand the […]

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Information There are two main reasons that most of my clients file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Partial Discharge First, if your median household income is too high to pass the Chapter 7 Means Test, you may still be able to get a partial discharge of some of your unsecured debts by filing […]

Real estate deeds and their differences Last week I discussed the difference between a deed and deed of trust.  To refresh, a deed of trust secures payment of a borrower’s debt, in a similar fashion as a mortgage does.  On the other hand, a deed is a legal instrument that transfers ownership of real estate.  […]
