
Every frugal shopper knows that those little extras that salespeople try to add on at the end in order to get you to spend more money are not worth it. How many times has a cashier said to you, as you were about to finalize your transaction, “If you buy X, you can also get […]

Colorado is clearly a leader in the pot market. With the legalization of Marijuana came new real estate opportunities for those in Colorado. It created a market for recreational drugs that is unique, bringing in a surge of new customers into the state. It has also created questions about leasing property for the pot trade. […]

Technological advancements have dramatically changed both the economic and political climates of American energy policy. In the 1990s, there was significant concern about U.S. energy policy because so much fuel was imported from the middle east. While the U.S. had much of its own supply, it was very reliant on OPEC oil. At the time, […]

  It’s December, which means it’s time to deck the halls and trim the trees. Unfortunately, though, some of us have neighbors that get a bit carried away with the holiday decorations. A whopping $6 billion is spent by Americans on holiday decorations, and some people seem to drive themselves to the brink of bankruptcy […]

Buying a house is costly enough. Is hiring a real estate lawyer really worth the added expense?   Buying a house? Hiring a real estate lawyer simplifies the process. Chances are, a house is one of the biggest purchases you will ever make. The process is very exciting, especially for first-time homebuyers, but it can […]

The real estate industry is filled with potential challenges. While many disputes involving landlords, tenants, property owners, buyers, sellers and lenders can be settled amicably out of court, sometimes it is necessary to pursue further legal action. In these situations, the assistance of an experienced real estate litigator is extremely beneficial.    Real Estate Litigation […]

Colorado Real Estate Attorney: Tenancy Questions When two or more people take title to real property in Colorado, they must decide how title will be held. Generally, there are two ways to accomplish this – the parties can take title as tenants in common or as joint tenants. It is very important to understand the […]

Deed vs. Deed of Trust: Is There a Difference? Over the years, I have found that my clients frequently confuse the term “Deed” with “Deed of Trust”.  Sometimes I have even heard clients use the terms interchangeably, without realizing the important distinctions between the two legal terms. What is a deed? A deed is a […]

Selling Your Home? Get An Attorney! Residential home owners are eager to maximize their cash proceeds when selling their home, and as a result, many are choosing to sell their property without the help of a real estate agent.  Many homeowners believe that For Sale by Owner (FSBO) transactions can be beneficial to them by […]

 The Loan Modification Process “We need additional documents for review!”  How many times have I heard this request from Chase Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, GMAC, and other lenders in my efforts to negotiate a short sale or loan modification?  Indeed, this is a frustrating request, as it most often follows a submission […]

Be Wary Of Hidden Unfavorable Tenant Language In Contracts In my role as a Denver real estate attorney, I review a lot of commercial real estate leases for office and retail tenants. It never ceases to amaze me how one one-sided these lease agreements are written in favor of the landlord. More amazing, however, many […]
